
The System Seven From Klyne Audio Arts
by Larry
Alan Kay
For several years I had heard about, but never actually heard, preamps
and phono stages designed and built by Stan Klyne. Some experienced listeners
had said that Klynes phono stages and line level preamps had a sonic
sweetness and finesse that rivaled the highest quality tube hardware as
well as the speed, low internal noise, resistance to RFI and other noise,
and reliability of the best solid-state gear. Since I live in an area
where RFI can be a real nuisance and have yet to find a phono stage/line
level combination that I feel is totally satisfactory, I was eager to
get the Klyne Model 7PX3.5 Phono Preamplifier and the Klyne Model 7LX3.5/B
Line Level Preamplifier into my system. Having lived with them for several
months now, Im now eager to have themespecially the phono
stageremain in the system. The Klyne pieces are among the most neutral,
natural, and transparent Ive heard. To the extent that I have any
quibbles they relate more to convenience and ergonomics (and only to the
line stage) than to sonics. To my way of thinking and listening, the sound
of the Klyne System Seven is very close to just right.

Before I go on with the usual description, I want to illustrate, with
one example, exactly why I find the Klyne preamp components so extraordinary.
On a tune Ive listened to perhaps a thousand times over a period
of more than thirty years (egad!), Lotus Land from Guitar
Forms [Verve] by Kenny Burrell, with orchestra arranged by Gil Evans and
recorded by Rudy van Gelder (no wonder I keep playing it), there is a
passage which is heavily and darkly scored for low woodwinds (bass clarinet,
baritone sax, bassoon). With both Klyne pieces in the system I heard for
the first and only time, deeply and faintly buried in the mix, a high
passage played on the clarinet. And unlike the usual experience we audiophiles
have, once weve heard a hidden detail, I still dont hear it
when I substitute other line or phono stages, even some of the finest
and most expensive onesthe Klynes are that transparent and revealing,
traits I most value. I (and you) can simply hear more of the music through
them than Ive heard through any others.
